Author InterviewToday we are interviewing the wonder Nanea Knott. She is a paranormal erotic romance author with a flare for other genres as well. Nanea was also born and raised in Hawaii. Maybe she can finally get me the hook up with Alex O'Loughlin. Ha! I kid, I kid. Let's get to the interview! Q: Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly? A: Yes. The skill of a writer is to describe a person, place or situation so vividly that the reader is swept into the story to live and breathe the action. A good writer can make the experience authentic and real. Lack of having strong emotions doesn’t necessarily mean a writer is incapable of creating that scenario. Admittedly, it might be more difficult in some instances, but it’s not impossible. Q:Does writing energize you or exhaust you? A: It does both some days. I often wake up with the next scene of my WIP in my head, and I can’t wait to get started. Other days, I stare at the text, usually when I’m editing, and feel a sense of dread solidify in the pit of my stomach. I hate editing. Q: What is the first book that made you cry? A: I don’t remember. There have been a lot of books that made me cry including some of my own. I’m one of those people who sometimes tears up at sweet commercials. *rolls eyes* Q: In your opinion, what are common traps for aspiring writers? A: I think the biggest thing is taking it too seriously or not seriously enough. Some writers are so concerned with every detail of their career that they are beating themselves to death with the Baseball Bat of Perfection. There are factors we can’t control. Move on and do the best you can to work around it. They, myself included, can work themselves into a state of paralysis from all the micromanagement their trying to do. The other half of that is not taking the time to listen to those who have walked the path ahead of you and do what they say. Some authors think by reinventing the wheel, they’re going to take the literary world by storm. Good luck with that. Learn as much as you can, and keep moving forward. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Q: Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? A:I’m doing my best to strike the sweet spot in between. I know some people write only what is selling at the moment and they jump on that bandwagon as fast as they can, and God bless them. I also know authors who think themselves so original and poignant that only the intellectual elite would ever be able to comprehend the heights of their genius. Whatever. I write what I like. Period. I sometimes write to the market as a challenge to myself. Every project I take on is a challenge to myself to become a better writer. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about my readers, I do, but I always write what I like to read. I’m fortunate that my readers are good with it. Q: What does literary success look like to you? A: A cabana on a floating platform in the Bahamas. I’m kidding. Success for me would be financial security. I’m not looking for a big house or fancy cars or anything like that. I would like to pay bills. I want to travel more. At some point, I would love to do a reader appreciation event and have the readers come and hang out with me. I’m also big on community service, I would like to pair up with organizations that truly do help their communities. If I could do those things with money from my books, that would be the height of success for me. Q:How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? A: Oh dear God. Eighteen that I can think of, there are probably more. Q: What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex? A: Getting the dialogue right. My editor has told me on occasion something to the effect of “No man would say that, EVER.” Q: How do you select the names of your characters? A:From real people usually, I find a name I like either from someone I met or read about and I write their name down. I don’t ever use the first and the last name together in a story. It’s usually the first name, and I use someone else’s last name, or I use something from a site that gives the origins of names. I just recently found the name generator in Scrivener. It’s very useful Q: Do you hide secrets in your books that only a few people will find? A:No, I’m not that clever. Haha. I’m pretty straightforward when I write. I know it’s common in some genres to do things like that and if my writing were more complex, it’s something I would think about for my diehard fans, but I don’t do it at this time. *Contemplates new series* Share your links here so readers know where to find you! Stalking Links: Website: Bookbub: FB author page: Profile: Instagram: Goodreads: Reader’s group: Twitter: YouTube channel Character InterviewWe also have the privilege of hearing from one of Nanea's characters! Name and where we can find you – I’m Marissa Davis. The first time you hear of me is when I work with Willow Harris, another succubus in the book Remember Me. Q: What is the one thing you want but can’t have right now? A: My mate. It’s rare that a sex demon finds the one person who will remember having sex with them. Our partners forget us the next morning. The chances of my finding him are next to nothing but hope springs eternal. Q: What do you do for a living? Why? A: I’m publicly known as a rich socialite in Seattle. I work with organizations, mostly doing fundraisers. Privately, I’m also the head of the local Sex Demon population in the Puget Sound Area. I maintain my public image to help conceal my private activities. When I make unusual requests, people don’t think anything of it. They chalk it up to the eccentricities of the rich. My private responsibilities I willingly took on as an atonement of sorts for my errors. I work very hard to make sure other sex demons don’t make the same mistakes I did. My arrogance cost someone dear to me their life. I can’t let it happen again. Q: Do you ever struggle with inner conflict? A: Inner, outer and everything in between. I live according to a delicate balance that threatens to crush me or someone I know every moment I draw breath. There are times when life and death decisions must be made, and often they are made by me. The consequences of those decisions weigh heavily on me. Q: Five years ago, did you see yourself where you are today? A: No, I was living the carefree life of the wife of a rich man. It was my error in marrying him that put me in the position I now hold. Five years from now, I will probably still be here doing what I can for the local sex demon population. Q: Why do you think your author wrote your book? A: My author hasn’t written my book yet. It seems she only writes about those who have found their mates. I can understand why. It’s such a rare thing that it’s cause for much celebration. Having the story told makes sense. Perhaps when the day arrives, and I’m fortunate to have found my mate, I’ll have a book of my own. Until then, I fulfill my role in the lives of others and help them find their happiness. Q: Tell me what your day is like. A: The first thing I do is to set tasks for the team of sex demons that work for me. They’ll call me with progress reports throughout the day. That way I can be flexible with plans in case something goes wrong. Then I have scheduled meetings with those hoping to gain my cooperation on something. Sometimes that’s local politicians, other socialites or groups of influence. I usually eat lunch at my desk after ordering food from the cafeteria in the basement of my building. The afternoon and evening are usually taken up with whatever I need to do to keep the sex demon population hiding in plain sight. One of those things might include sending a succubus to a hospital with the task of influencing an employee to delete medical records. Q: Off the top of your head, what are three things you would wish for right now? A: A vacation to a place where no one knows my name. A truly comfortable pair of heels. The ability to completely dismantle the organization called Humans First. This or That 1. Beach or Mountains – Mountains 2. Steak or Chicken – Steak 3. Car or Truck – Car 4. Tattoos or Piercings – None, please 5. T-Shirt or Button Up – Button Up 6. Marvel or DC Comics – Marvel 7. Skydiving or Bungee Jumping – Skydiving 8. Trip or Staycation –Trip 9. Dogs or Babies – Babies Thank you so much for joining us! Readers make sure you check out all of Nanea's work and follow on social media!
One of my goals for 2018 is to write more reviews for the books I read. Here we go! Review number one of the year. Kristen Ashley's The Hookup My Review 2018 started off with a bang. Seriously! I picked this one because she absolutely one of my favorite authors and never even think twice when it comes to her books. I knew going in that this one was going to be slightly different than her others, because she warned us readers about it a bit. There was going to be some feels. I knew this. But then I was reading and I thought to myself, this isn't so bad. Johnny Gamble was charing Eliza and the rest of us women while he was at it. Things were going so damn good Then it happened. Bonnie Raitt comes on. I won't give that part away, but gosh, my heart broke. I sat there crying with Iz wondering how we would ever survive this. I was a bit jaded at this point in the book. Johnny Gamble wasn't my favorite person. However, that changed and it changed quickly. There was so much heat in this book it was HAWT! Lord have mercy, someone grab the fire extinguisher, that hot. It just the right amount of sweet, angst, and love wrapped up tight in one. It is perfect! Like I said before Kristen's books are a non discussion, I will purchase them all. This one though? It's at the top of my list. (Nobody can take Tack and Tate's spots) Johnny Gamble is life. "She shouldn't have looked for dreamers. She should have found a man who knows all the different types of motor oil." |
AuthorAn author just sharing her journey to encourage others to take the plunge.
August 2021